Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday 16th

Has been a hard weekend, quints father is not well, they are upping his pain control today, on top of all that quint has stomach bug/food poisoning type thing, which has left her toilet/bed ridden. even water wont stay down, if she is no better today i think i will call the docs and get him to take a look at her.
How am I? I am ok, arent I always? Keeping busy from work and tryng to balance a family and work life as well as everything that is going on. Still if life was easy it would be boring right?

Anyways only a short one today, dont want to get to introspective I wont be able to work lol.

Hope you are all well

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturday 14th

Hello again, damn another 9 days have passed!!!!! Where does the time go? Still, better than two weeks I guess. Well that was Friday the 13th, over again for a while. I do not think I beleieve in it to be fair, but I did get my first real electric shock of a pc, which burnt me and hurt like erm, well like a hot electric shock thingy I guess. Still wont do that again in a hurry!!!
Well how am I? I am ok, have been down a lot recently, feel like cutting again, but I have not. Life is hard at the moment, there is stress and tension indoors, quint blames me a lot for stuff which I have not done, I know she does not mean it and is just lashing out at the people that are closest to her. It is strange being on the other end of it for a while, I guess it has allowed me to see what she had to put up with when i was going through a bad patch and lashing out.
I have been to see my quints dad in the hospice which he is now in, it was difficult looking around another one of those places, all the memories flooding back, the pain, the smell, still I did it, not for me and not because I wanted to, but for quint. She probably will never know I spent that night sat up downstairs crying, remembering, praying. Still, sometimes its harder to talk to those close to you than a computer screen.

Hope you are all well in cyber land.


-----------Ellers, yeah i think i still have you emal addy hun, why dont you email me than I will have it for sure ;) lol

Thursday, January 05, 2006

January 5th 2006

Wow, it has been a long time since I have blogged. Firstly I am sorry to those that have written comments and I have not responded or acknowledged, it was great to see five comments awaiting my return. I hope and trust everyone had a great christmas and an exceptional new year.
So what has happened? Well I have left university and exchanged the work I had done at uni for a lower psychology certificate. This has saddened me some what as I enjoyed it, yet at the same time has relieved so much pressure from me as well.
We have not moved and so we still reside in cheshire, just outside Manchester. Chrsitmas was great although busy in the shop and still taking up a lot of our time. We are looking to expand into new premises very shortly and that is quite exciting although borrowing money to do it is a little bit nerve racking.
Judes dad is still with us, although he is being taken into a hospice this wekend at some point for 'symptom treatment' which I think basically means they try and make him feel a bit better and send him back to us, although if I am being honest I do not expect him to come home from the hospice. He has confided in us that he has had enough now and does not want to fight any more. He said that he did not want to die around christmas or new year as he did not want to ruin anyones festive time. An admirable trait but man does it make you feel guilty. Judes still cares for him and the strain is showing big time. She is on antidepressants and is struggling through amazingly but it takes a toll far deeper than anyone of us really realises I guess.
The illness has bought up the usual conversations of euthanasia and treatment of terminal patients. Ths is a subject lots of people feel strongly about, having been in the position before of being asked to administor a lethal doseage of painkillers to a terminally ill friend one which I feel perticularly pasionate about. Especially as I could not do it, this big hard strapping lad could not do what a dear friend asked him to do. Judes knew I was asked before but was surprised to see the tears rolling down my face as we discussed the subject. Her sister said she could and would feel no remorse about having done it. I dont believe this and tried to point out that no one could say if they could until that time arrived and the situation is stareing you in the face. As usual, no one listens to me.
I miss a lot of things in my life that have come and gone, friendships, lovers, people that have touched my life and moved on not knowing what they have done, or having a chance to let them know or show them. I have felt like this for a while and have visited some friends graves and places where they were scattered and spoke to them. It is amazing that at 28 I have been to more funerals and burried more friends than most people who are twice my age, but I guess thats life, or not, as the case may be.
I think that is enough for now, thats where I am and what I am doing. How am I feeling? Nostalgic and regretful, sad and low, alone and cold, the call of the knife is strong this week, more than once I have thought about it, infact more than that, maybe even felt like I needed it, but I have not.
Am I low yes, am I depresssed, yes. Do I need any help? No. I am fighting and survivng.

Love you all