Wednesday, May 18, 2005

May 18th

And then the rug will be pulled from beneath your feet.............

Well lets see, the pub idea was a good one and the pub had lots of potential, and I actually felt better for a week or so thinking about what we needed to do and how we would do it. We had a phone call from the agents making sure our finance was in place, which it was as long as the figures matched up, everything was cool. Then the bank tell us they will not give us the amount they said we could have and say we have to find another 75K. So not one to be put off easily, we start the long series of phone calls, all to no avail. Still, if it was meant to be, then it would have happened. I am a bit down about it.

Monday, Monday was the day of the trick cyclist appointment, I dutifully went along and saw the man. He seemed pleasent enough though obviously struggled with English grammer (I think he was French), we chatted for a while and he has put me on some extra meds to try and alieviate the moods. We chatted about psychology for a bit and he asked me to diagnose myself!! Trust me to get the lazy psychiatrist lol. We spoke about psychotherapy, and he smiled at my determination not to go down the 'wooley psycho-babble' route, although we wil discuss it again in three months. So that was it, months of waiting and in 45 mins it was all over, I felt, erm, I dont know, deflated I guess. Dissapointed? maybe. Still he is nice and we shall see what happens.

My mood is sombre today as I get to grips with the fast approaching exams and coursework deadlines. Still it has to be done and I have been putting it off for so long now. I think I will manage it ok.

Hope all is well folks.......

Be safe


Blogger luvpayne said...

Hold tight my friend. You are thought of often. Remember you have support when it seems lost and forgotten. Stay strong, be well and all that good crap that we yanks say. :)

2:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey u,
Remember us well we r all thinking of you often and miss seeing ya, keep going with the coursework n exams the end is nigh!
Take care lil un (yes i know u aint lil) but bet it made u :D

4:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

3:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

4:08 am  

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