Saturday, May 28, 2005

May 28th

Its been a while, far too long infact, but finally all the sxams and coursework are finished. I have passed my last exams with varying grades from 48% (2:1) to 96% a first, so a bit sporadic but its over now till october, wahooooooooooo
How am I? Well actually I am pretty good, things getting sorted, I still have the mood swings but less often, the dreams are bad when I get them and can have me not sleeping for a week at a time, but I am coping. Back is bad, and now awaiting an assesment by an MST team and looking at a possible operation, so I am not training or fighting at mo, well erm not supposed to be, but is so difficult to give it up, it helps with the temper and mood swings as well, so trying to strike a delicate balance between training and pain in back.
Looks like the national championships aint gonna happen, my Dr is not happy about me fighting untill my back is better, and that looks like an operation now as it has not responded to treatment, oh well, there is always next year............
Other than that, not a lot has changed except the finishing of uni till october.............

Now all I need to do is find something very stressful to fill the time up with......................
all answers in comments with a retuen address please.......... lol

Be well all


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take it easy fopr a while u know u want too and congrats on the results hun, they just go too show!
Chat soon

5:42 pm  
Blogger Caroline said...

sorry - took a while to catch up with you! congrats on the exam results! as for the summer - do get involved with Greenbelt! It's a great community to work with, and it' certainy has it's challenges and stresses! As for your back, well speaking as a post spinal op wheelchair user, um, go careful!

11:37 am  

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