Friday, March 18, 2005

March 18th

Well, its been a few days. All together fairly uneventful. Periods of highs and lows, more lows than highs, but at least there are some in there. Today, well what there has been of it, has been interesting. I spoke to quint today and filled her in a bit more on how I feel and what I am experiencing. This wasn't easy, and in all fairness she took it quite well, very well in fact.
We spoke about putting a warning on our address with the ambulance station, this may sound a bit strange but for those that don't know, all self harmers and violent people have there address tagged by ambulance control (in the UK anyway) so that the crews know what to expect. I am still thinking about this suggestion, and in all fairness will probably do it, its all well and good me saying now no it will be fine, but if the need for an ambulance arises and I'm in one of my 'lows' then all hell could break lose.

The drugs for my sleeping seem to be working a bit, with longer sleep periods and less terrors, although the day time ones are still bad, tho fortunately not frequent. (Must remember to tell the Dr about this).

I got an appointment through to see a psychiatrist today, although the appointment isn't until the 16th of May, and this is an urgent case? Sometimes I wonder what happens if I kill someone or seriously harm someone, will that speed the process up? Don't panic, I aint about too, its just a thought that cruises through my overworking brain sometimes. Although I do wonder, if anyone other than my Dr understands what its all about. She seems to, and is always fighting my corner for me with the psych health teams, so at last one person on the team aint bad.

I'm going to leave it here for now, its been a strange couple of days, I promise I will return soon to fill you all in. Thanks for all the comments by the way, its nice to hear them.

A friend sent me this, it made me smile.

"Today is a gift, that is why they call it the present."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

3:58 am  

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